Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed & treated for type 1 diabetes?

My 9 yr old daughter was diagnosed on 12-17-07 %26amp; after a week in the hospital she came home. She started to be sick during Thanksgiving week %26amp; got steadily worse. Her pediatrition said she was fine %26amp; I was crazy. Even though she lost 30 lbs! She was already a skinny kid to begin with! Luckily I took her to the ER before she went into a coma. But now that we're managing her diabetes, she has gained her weight back %26amp; she has even grown. But she has lost a ton of hair! Her temples are bald. It looks like it's growing back, but it's not as thick. I understand that she was sick for a long time %26amp; this is bound to happen. But I didn't think that she would lose so much. She loses handfuls when she brushes it %26amp; when she washes it. The kids in school have started to notice %26amp; they haven't been kind. Her endocrinologist says the hair loss is normal, but I have my doubts. So I was wondering if anyone who knows could tell us. Thank you.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

I can tell you from personal experience that hair loss is not associated with being diabetic. My son was diagnosed with being diabetic 6 yrs ago at age 6. He never had any hair loss. he was really sick before we found out what was going on but not to the degree you are describing.I got really ill and was diagnosed with it and my hair started falling out in handfuls. i have wondered if the circulation issues associated with taking insulin could slow down hair growth but from my research, thats not really something that is a fact.However hair loss is a result of over stress to the body. Any time we are sick in a way that is life threatening it can cause hair loss. If it continues the thyroid hormone should be checked because that greatly affects hair growth. Also the mail / female hormones in the body can be off balance and cause hair loss. Stress in and of itself ,mostly physical stress, is deadly to hair growth as i have found. there are articles online if you look up female hair loss that are helpful to read. i wish you luck i understand what its like to feel like your going bald. it is scary.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

Sad to say that yes, some hair loss shortly after diagnosis AND from the pre-illness of this disease does happen. Please have hope though. Your daughter's hair WILL grow back eventually(at her normal rate of hair growth for her)and be just as beautiful as it was before her diagnosis. Some things diet wise that will help her hair and nails and skin are sugar free/kosher gelatin, lean protean and some(about half the dosage for adults) glucosomine and condroiten. I hate to say this, as she's so young, when she gets to puberty, she's going to face some unique problems. With her rapid hormone changes and body growth, you'll be seeing her doctor quite often to adjust her insulin/s. Not to mention her diet too. Also, she may not have very easy menstrual cycles either due to the diabetes. They can be longer and more intense. Then there's the fact that she's going to heal and regenerate from injuries quite a bit slower than her friends. And something not a lot of doctors are going to tell you: Insulin is made from a man-made bacteria. Any kind of antibiotic WILL not only destroy the bacterial infection, it will also kill off a lot of her insulin too. So be careful when she's on antibiotics.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

I have experienced about a 30% reduction in body hair volume (which I have welcomed as I was occasionally called big-foot while growing up). However, I have also noticed a large change in how my hair grows and how it is distributed on my head. I feel it becoming thinner. I have read that this is the case for diabetics, and I am sad to hear it (generally, and for me, and also for your daughter). It may return and it is also possible that this may be, to some extent, something that she has to live with. I am going on 4 years now and I have not noticed a return to my normal hair growth patterns.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

Well, you did have someone who knows tell you. Your endocrinologist knows.

Yes, this is within norms for diabetes. Its a shock to the system and it will take time for her body to recover. Hair is sacrificed when the body undergoes malnutrition, and while diabetes causes excess sugar in the bloodstream, there is not enough sugar in the cells, so its actually a form of malnutrition. That's why she also lost weight.

Her cells could not utilize the sugar in her bloodstream, that comes from carbohydrates in her food. That's what causes the fatigue in untreated diabetes, the cells are literally starving for food in the form of glucose (sugar)

It may take months for it to really grow back, or she may have this problem for longer. The better you can control her diabetes and reduce the stress on her body, the better.

Her hair loss is something you are going to have to find a way to help her through. Perhaps you should talk to someone involved with wigs and other solutions for kids with cancer. I know she doesn't have cancer, but she does have one of the problems that chemo causes, and there are charities that help kids with this problem. They might be willing to help her.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

When I was diagnosed with diabetes (and for 3-6 months after) I lost loads and loads of hair.

The doctors were v non-commital about whether this was diabetes related, but I did a fair bit of my own research and it seems that it's very common indeed.

You (and you daughter) will be pleased to hear that, after a few months, I stopped losing mt hair and it started growing back - pretty soon I had v v thick hair again.

The research I did suggests that hairloss is not specific to diabetes, but is similar to the hairloss suffered by a large number of women when pregnant - apparently any condition in which your normal hormonal state is altered (prgnancy, diabetes, thyroid problems etc) can affect your hair causing you either to lose it or to grow it excessively. When the hormone balance is restored (in this case, by taking insulin) the hair will go back to normal.

Good luck with the diabetes - sounds like you're doing well - don't let it affect your lives too much - it doesn't need to :-)

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

Yes, this is totally normal, but isn't mentioned enough in most of the info we get.

Anytime a person abruptly goes on medications it causes changes in especially the hair!! This goes for any medication!!

Her hair will grow back and be thick and nice eventually, but it does take a while. It takes the average hair 7 years before it dies and a new hair takes its place for normal people. We all lose a bit each day.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

Ohhh ... you poor thing! My 2 year old daughter was diagnosed 11/10/07, so I understand how hard it's been for you. That's terrible her pediatrician didn't do anything. Maybe you should try and find a different one? My daughter's pediatrician is wonderful, he suspected what it was right away. And as a result she was in the hospital before she started to get really sick.

And yes ... hair loss is normal. It has nothing to do with medications as Sue said. When I had gestational diabetes I lost so much hair I had a little bald spot on top of my head. And I never took medications for it, I controlled mine with diet. Don't worry, it will grow back and quit falling out once you have her blood sugars under control.

Email me anytime if you want to talk :o)

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

You know, I was 16 and all kinds of odd things happened to me, can't recall hair loss being one of them, but it wouldn't surprise me. My eyesight got better for a few months...I went back to wearing glasses I hadn't worn in about 8 years! My breasts grew another cup size. I sprouted another inch in height. I'm sure this is a temporary thing. Give it another year or two and I'm sure it will get back to normal.

Is hair loss normal after being diagnosed %26amp; treated for type 1 diabetes?

I never lost hair when i was diagnosed my hair acually was getting thicker... maybe its different in every person

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